Frida Kahlo

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Frida Kahlo General personal background: Frida was born in Mexico City. She gave her birth date as July 7, 1910, but her birth certificate shows July 6, 1907. At the age of 18 she was involved in a serious bus accident which left her with a broken spinal column, a broken collar bone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, and 11 fractures in her right leg. She began painting shortly after the accident because she was bored in bed. She turned to …

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…is dressed in a simple wedding dress. The twins describe the artists personality. The lines are fairly even, slightly geometric, evenly spaced with the twins directly centered, cool colors with the blue background, and the painting is in proportion. The twins appear the correct size and the emphasis is on the artery that stretches between them, joining there exposed hearts. Rhythm and unity is achieved in the painting, but movement is not. It is symmetrical.