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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Frida Kahlo is a Mexican painter, born on July 6, 1907 and dead on July 13, 1954. Frida claimed to be born on 1910, the year of the outbreak of the Mexican revolution, because she wanted her life to began together with the modern Mexico. This detail well introduces us to a singular personality, characterized by her childhood, which was a deep sense of independence and rebellion against social and moral ordinary habits. She was moved by passion and sensuality, …

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…ida. Frida chronicles the life of Frida Kahlo (Salma Hayek) and her shared unflinchingly and open relationship with Diego Rivera (Alfred Molina), as the young couple took the art world by storm. From her complex and enduring relationship with her mentor and husband to her illicit and controversial affair with Leon Trotsky, to her provocative and romantic entanglements with women, Frida Kahlo lived a bold and uncompromising life as a political, artistic, and sexual revolutionary.