Friar Lawrence is called before a tribunal chaired by the Prince to give an account of his part played in the play

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Towards the closing stages of the play, Friar Lawrence's way of conduct contributed vastly in the tragic outcome of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Because of his pusillanimous demeanour, Friar Lawrence of Verona was called before a tribunal, chaired by the prince, to give his account of the ill-fated calamity, which occurred yesterday in the Friar's residence. Friar Lawrence was a respective member of the community until this tragic circumstance. He was often called …

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…ahead, and gulped after hearing the final outcome. He sat there thinking of the terrible mistakes he had made and prayed for the lives which were lost. Friar would have to be accustomed to another hostile location, one of which he was no aware of. He would have to be accepted into the community as he did in Verona, but this time he will not serve as a priest. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare