Freud's View on Women

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Pages: 18
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
In Freud's time, and since his death, his views of women and femininity have stirred much controversy. Psychoanalysis has been categorized as "...patriarchal and phallocentric..." (Sayers, 1991, p. 3) and Freud, himself, has been charged with viewing "...woman as a 'mutilated creature'..." and rejecting "...women as full human beings." (Gelb, 1973, p. 370). However, it seems somewhat strange, if Freud and his theories were so absolutely misogynistic, that so many women have been main proponents of psychoanalysis. Why, if …

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…but rather read the entirety of his work and factor in outside influences. Instead of dismissing his theories, one should critically evaluate them and locate those aspects, such as the social construction of gender, that can contribute to our understanding of women and their psychology. And let us not forget that ending his lecture on Femininity, Freud recognized his own limitations and did not claim, as others have assumed, to have provided the decisive explanation.