Freuds Defense

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Essay Database > Literature > English
According to Sigmund Freud's structural theory of the mind, the id, the ego and the superego function in different levels of consciousness. There is a constant movement of memories and impulses from one level to another. The id is the unconscious storage area of our drives, which are constantly active. Ruled by the pleasure principle, the id demands immediate satisfaction of all its urges, regard- less of what undesirable effects may be caused. The ego …

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…I'll give that professor an apple." While many of Freud's ideas concerning personality have been criticized and largely dismissed, his concept of defense mechanisms is still helpful to many psychologists. They are used to defend against anxiety and to maintain self- esteem. The use of defense mechanisms can indicate problem areas for a person, as a defense mechanism gives some relief from anxiety producing thoughts and actions at the expense of distorting the real world.