French vs. British treatment of Native Americans during the early years of American colonization. Written for AP US History class - I recieved a 25/25.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
North America experienced a great wave of immigration a few hundred years after its discovery. Inspired by adventure, riches, and the desire to escape political and religious oppression, Europeans came to the continent. Two of the immigrations that took place were those of the French and British. Upon arriving at North America, they did not encounter savages, but rather a skilled and organized people. Both countries took to the indigenous people differently, however. While the …

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…were at a disadvantage in North America after the colonists arrived; they were outnumbered and outmaneuvered. The European colonists came to North America to fulfill their hopes and dreams, but in reality conquered the indigenous people of the continent. While the French generally respected and coexisted with the Indians, the British treated them as an obstacle with whom they could use for themselves. The conquest of the Native Americans by Europeans forever changed the continent.