French language and culture

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
How French Cuisine has influenced Indian Hospitality Industry. India is a much invaded country. Over the centuries India has been a favorite destination for potential invaders because of its rich natural resources. This has resulted in many foreign influences on Indian culture. The uniqueness of Indian culture lies in the fact that it is very tolerant and very welcoming to foreign influences. Thus, Indian culture is a composite mix of various cultures from all over …

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…has benefited the Indian hospitality industry and it is expected that this situation continues. References: 1. Moy A. ,Witzel M. Influences on modern Indian cooking 20th April 1998 ( 2. Hartman P. Historical Origins of French cuisine. 5th April 1999 ( 3. Patil V. The Hindu 30th April 200 ( 4. Arora K. Theory of Cookery(2002)Frank Bro. & co. ltd. New Delhi 4th ed. 5. Konemann P. (2002) Culinaria- European Specialities. Mateu cromo arts graficas, Spain .