French Revolution - What were the causes of the downfall of Louis XVI?

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During 1780s to 1790s France was in total chaos. France was ruled by the Bourbon family King Louis XVI from 1754 to 1793, it was an absolute monarch and they had absolute power and did not share it with a legislature. The situation was already bad before Louis XVI began his reign, but situation got worse. In the end, there was a revolution in France and a vast amount changes to the society and the government of …

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…- John Locke. Retrieved 25 March, 2006 from <> - Bok, Hilary. (2003). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Baron de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat. Retrieved 25 March, 2006 from <> - Kemerling, Garth. (1998-2002). Philosophypages - Enlightenment II - Rousseau - General Will. Retrieved 25 March, 2006 from <>