French Canadians in NE

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Essay Database > History
French Canadians & The Blackstone Valley John J. Barron Ethnicity in Massachusetts Wed. 12:30 The French have a lengthy history on this continent. The French became interested in the "New World" in 1524 when King Francois I sought wealth for his European domain (Brown 19). Expeditions were underwritten by the crown. It was eager to compete with other European powers in search for riches. Included in the early voyages were trips by Frenchman Jacques Cartier. Cartier discovered the Gulf …

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…JR. & Turner, Jonathan H. American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of Discrimination. McGraw-Hill, Boston, Ma. 1998. Brault, Gerard J. The French Canadian Heritage in New England. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, Quebec. 1986. Brown, Craig. The Illustrated History of Canada. Lester & Orpen Dennys LTD, Toronto Canada, 1987 Doty, C. Stewart, The First Franco-Americans. The University of Maine at Orono Press, Orono ME. 1985. Wessel, Bessie Bloom. An Ethnic Survey of Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL. 1931.