Freedoms Obligation: Essay is about the United States and the freedoms that we have. It is also about the past and how be became the nation that we are now.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
FREEDOM'S OBLIGATION America, the land of freedom and opportunity. Ours is a country that is full of different cultures, races, religions and ideas. We enjoy freedoms that people from other countries have either had taken away or have never experienced. These freedoms, that we sometimes take for granted, were not free, they were afforded to us at an extremely high price. We earned them through the sacrifices of American soldiers in wars, battles, and military …

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…mentioned may not even begin to describe the true meaning of freedom's obligation. Freedom's obligation, I believe, is our need to protect our country and make the United States of America the best, safest place to live and raise our families. Our Lady Liberty is a standing symbol to let people from around the world know that we are a country based on our freedoms. May her light forever shine bright for all to see.