Frederick Jackson Turner's observations about the birth of democracy

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Essay Database > History > North American History
There is no doubt that the great American West played a major part in the development of the United States as a whole. Initially untouched by civilization, the West, once inhabited by the colonists and their immigrating European brethren, evolved into an agricultural and eventually manufacturing heavyweight. What were once small pockets of populations, boomed into cities, which eventually transformed into present-day metropolises. In addition, the frontier has influenced, as examined in Frederick Jackson Turner's …

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…power). <Tab/>The frontier birthed democracy, which went on to influence the government at a national, then global level. The common man of the West, who worked hard to survive, were the foundations for the ideals of democracy-a government ruled by the people. Presidents, such as Jackson, undertook its ideals and applied them during the course of their terms. Nevertheless, the West as a whole still defines what America is today.