Frederick Douglass

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
On an unknown date in 1817, on a slave plantation in Tuckahoe Maryland, Frederick August Washington Bailey was born. Frederick was raised in a house on the plantation with all the other slave children. At the age of seven, like many other slaves, Frederick was put to work in the fields. As a young child he would wonder why he was a slave, and why everyone can't be equal. His thoughts frequently came back to him, …

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…was respected as a leader of ex-slaves. Frederick soon fought for the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments for the U.S. Constitution, which gave rights to everyone. He became U.S marshal for the District of Columbia (1877-81), recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia (1881-86) and U.S. minister to the Republic of Haiti (1889-91). After his death in 1895, people mourned the loss of one of the great freedom fighters of the 1800's.