Frederic Remington, the last painter of the Wild West.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Born October 4, 1861, in Canton, New York, Frederic Remington was one of the last major artists to record the swiftly fading Wild West as an illustrator and painter. In 1881 he left to wander the west. For a time, he worked as a cowboy, but he left in 1886 to study at the Art Students League in New York. However, he still continued to visit the West. He received his first commission from Harper's Weekly, a depiction of …

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…periodicals but longed to return to his real love; the Old West. In 1902 he sculpted the spectacular Comin' through the Rye. It went against the trends of the time by not expressing weight or support. All in all, Remington created 2,700 works of art. His works kept the Old West alive in the minds of Americans. He died on December 26, 1909. SOURCE: Siegfried, Joan C. "Remington, Frederic." 2002 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. New York City: Grolier Interactive, Inc., 2001. CD-ROM.