Frderick Douglass

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Essay Database > History
Kealan African-American History Mid-Term Paper Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in 1817, in Tuckahoe, Maryland. The exact date of his birth is not known, but he adopted February 14th as his birthday. He knew very little about his mother because she worked as a field hand on a plantation a few miles away. Douglass did not know his father but it was rumored that he was the son of a white slave master. …

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…Domingo. Douglass hoped that his appointments would open doors for other African-Americans, but it would be many years before any would follow in his footsteps. Bibliography 1. Andrews, William L.; Critical Essays on Frederick Douglass; Copyright 1991 G.K. Hall & Co. 2. Douglass, Frederick; My Bondage and My Freedom; Copyright 1969 Dover Publication, Inc. 3. McFeely, William S.; Frederick Douglass; Copyright 1991 W.W. Norton & Company 4. Martin Jr., Waldo E.; The Mind of Frederick Douglass; Copyright 1984 University of North Carolina Press