Franklin D. Roosevelt's Election

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Franklin D. Roosevelt was considered a worthy and attractive candidate for the 1932 election. The famous name connection also scored him some brownie points even though he was only a distant relative. Roosevelt was from a wealthy family who lived in New York. There he attended Groton school and went on to Harvard University. By 1910, he had won a seat in the New York state Senate. Three years later he became assistant secretary of the navy …

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…the soldiers protested. Hoover did nothing for them. In fact he simply ignored them. However, this tactic was not very successful and considered a bad move on the president's part. All Hoover did for the soldiers was order them to leave Washington. When this approach failed, he had federal troops scare the soldiers. Public opinion favored the veterans and Hoover was the bad guy which ultimately ruined any chances of him being reelected into office.