Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When Mary Shelley started writing the story of Dr. Frankenstein, she did not realize the true potential of her work. She was simply writing a short story to pass the time. Shelley had no idea her story would evolve and grow as the years pass. She had no idea it would launch a whole genre of horror stories and an array of movies that have captivated the imagination of every generation including our own. The …

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…huge array of moral and ethical dilemmas. That is perhaps why it has been so successful. One cannot presume to judge why Shelley made Frankenstein's monster so human, and yet so evil. Frankenstein's quest for knowledge created the physical being, but because he did not take responsibility for his creation the monster turned out evil. Maybe the monster really was made in man's image and that in itself was the reason behind his destructive nature.