Frankenstein and his creation.
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Essay Database > Literature
It can be argued that Frankenstein's monster is naturally evil. It can also be argued that he is only a product of his environment. The evidence of the monster's environment manipulating his personality is justified. At the monster's creation he was outcaste by Frankenstein his creator. The one person who should have cared for him the most was utterly disgusted at his creation. Victor set out to create the perfect being. Victor states, "His limbs
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Frankenstein by following him and killing everyone dear to him. Both have a thirst for knowledge and that knowledge is dangerous to both of them. The creature wanted to learn the ways of man and there behaviors. This endangers him when he spies on others and they attack him out of fear. Frankenstein's thirst for knowledge ends up to kill everyone close to him. With his knowledge he created the monster and condemned his life.
Frankenstein by following him and killing everyone dear to him. Both have a thirst for knowledge and that knowledge is dangerous to both of them. The creature wanted to learn the ways of man and there behaviors. This endangers him when he spies on others and they attack him out of fear. Frankenstein's thirst for knowledge ends up to kill everyone close to him. With his knowledge he created the monster and condemned his life.