Frankenstein By Mary Shelly Show metamorphosis in the Book Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

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Metamorphosis In "Frankenstein" According to metamorphosis is a transformation, as by magic or sorcery. Frankenstein seems to be using magic or sorcery to bring his creation to life. Also according to change is to be or cause to be different. When Frankenstein's creation was first brought to life he was kind and needing of love from his creator like a newborn child longs for its mother. Throughout the story, …

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…the reader would think he his bad because of the reaction of its creator. Then the reader begins to notice that creature is actually a sympathetic caring being that feels and thinks but due to rejection becomes harsh and cold. People have to be careful in what they do or say because people's actions affect other people and things either in good or bad ways; concluding that one man's hatred could be another man's death.