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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is filled with various underlying themes, the crux being the effect society has on The Creature's personality. These topics have been discussed and explored on countless occasions, and the novel has been compared with its contemporaries of the Romantic Age numerous times. However, if one were to correlate and contrast Shelly's masterpiece with another, the greatest work would be the creation story in Genesis. Victor and The Creature are obvious representations of …

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…mistake of abandoning his "son" at birth, and continuing to shun him the rest of his life. The Creature was flawed, but not by his own fault. He was sent into an ugly world by himself, with no one to help him or teach him. Mary Shelley used a deep, gothic theme to get several different points across, and made it interesting by paralleling the main characters with the characters of a well- known story.