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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein Or, The Modern Prometheus has as one of its themes the usurpation of established authority. In the sub-title of her novel, the author alludes to the legend from mythology. Prometheus angers the head god Zeus by secretly bringing fire to the earth. Another version of the myth has Prometheus forming the first man and woman from damp mud. The commonality of Prometheus and Victor Frankenstein is the striving for advancement despite the …

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…that Frankenstein succeeds in creating life, but ends up with a being so hideous that he keeps the creation a secret. He would rather have death than the ruin of his reputation. On the other hand, Robert Walton is saved because he realizes his dream of the North Pole is not worth the deaths of his crew. He turns his ship back home. Ironically, what he does is follow the advice of the dying Frankenstein.