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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Frankenstein Protagonist: The protagonist in the novel is Victor Frankenstein. He is the main character who contends with the conflict in the novel. His decision to create life provides a problem that he attempts to escape but eventually marks his death. Antagonist: The antagonist in the novel is also the protagonist, Victor Frankenstein. Victor may have directed all of his hate and blame towards the monster he created, but is worst enemy lay within himself …

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…where there are boundaries for which no man can cross, and knowledge which no man was intended retain. Both men, however, took separate routes in displaying their aspirations: Walton understood there were limits to human endeavor and stopped himself just short of ruin, while Victor pushed himself through the breaking point. In either case, both men found that authority needed to be respected, and transgression upon that authority only brought sorrow and misfortune, and death.