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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, is a writer who was greatly influenced by the Romantic era in which she lived. In fact, she moved among the greatest talents of the English Romantic writers including her poet/husband Percy Shelley and their poet/friend Lord Byron. Her writing was also influenced by the other great Romantic poets Wordsworth and Coleridge, whose ideas she either directly quotes or paraphrases in Frankenstein. Since Mary Shelley was so …

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…I pursued him, and for many months this has been my task. Guided by a slight clue . . . I saw the fiend enter by night " (187). Victor's search continued until he was almost near death. He then enlightens Robert Walton to seek happiness and stay away from the claws of ambition, the same ambition that stimulated him! to create the monster. Once Victor gives his last bit of advice to man , he ends up dying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**