Franco's Rise to Power

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Essay Database > History
Circa 1930, an anti-monarchial movement developed in Spain . This pro-republic group consisted of liberals and socialists who were tired of the monarchy. In 1931, Spain's leader, Alfonso, called for elections throughout the country. There was unprecedented support for the republicans, therefore, Alfonso fled. Consequently, the republicans, also known as the loyalists, took control. They developed a democratic constitution and elected a president. However, although there was widespread support for the new government, Spain still had many who …

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…surrendered, and Franco and the nationalists achieved power in Spain. In 1931, Spain's government was overthrown, and a republic was formed. The new government consisted of socialists and liberals who were tired of the monarchy. The republicans had no previous experience in governing a country; therefore, they made many mistakes, which led Spain into years of political strife, and eventually, a civil war. The civil was the stepping-stone which elevated Franco and his supporters into power.