Francisco de Goya's The Third of May.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Francisco de Goya's The Third of May "The artist's vision is more important than tradition." Francisco de Goya, a Spanish artist, believed that the most important thing was to draw what he saw rather than following the traditional style. Unlike any other artists of his time, Goya did not tend to imitate Renaissance arts targeting classical subject matters. Instead, he tried to bring the real people and the society that he observed up to the …

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…life and his experience during the hard time of battles and disease made it possible for him to create his great art works including The Third of May retaining his title as the Father of Modern Art. After his death, there was no instant followers of consequence, but his influence was "strongly felt in mid-19th-century painting and printmaking and in 20th-century art," especially in the principal movements of Romanticism, Impressionism, Expressionism and Surrealism (Sullivan).