Fowler's Toad

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Biology Zebra mussels are filter feeders, and they are capable of filtering about one litre of water per day while feeding primarily on algae. They were transported from Europe as stowaways in the ballast water of transoceanic ships and pose significant social, economic & ecological concerns for the Great Lakes and other inland North American waters. Effect On Food Chain The zebra mussel disrupts natures food chain. They remove nearly all particle matter, by removing significant …

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…faced with the challenge of trying to find a way to eliminate zebra mussels while at the same time leaving native species unharmed. Methods such as chlorination, chemical treatment, ozone, heat, ultraviolet radiation, electrical shock, anti-fouling paints, and sonic vibrations are being tested right now. The use of biological agents, including toxic micro-organisms, parasites, and spawning inhibitors is also being investigated. Although some treatments have proven very effective, completely eliminating zebra mussels is not likely.