Four President?s effects on Am

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Four President?s effects on American Isolationism during the 20th Century On September 6, 1904 Teddy Roosevelt made the most future altering decision of the twentieth century. It was on this day that America, a long time domestic animal, went into the ocean and discovered salt. Teddy, a man who had publicly supported such internationalist concepts as the Panama Canal and sending the United States Navy to protect Venezuela in an 1895 conflict with Germany, renounced a long …

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…problems at home while the country has focused its attention abroad, and they want other nations to assume that burden. But most Americans believe it is not realistic for the country to withdraw from world affairs. The United States? economy, culture, and technological advancement is greatly rooted its relationships with other countries. Indeed, our nation is the world?s center of transculturation. With the internet becoming increasingly prominent isolationism will soon be a distant memory.