Four Deadly Sins in Catch 22.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Heller's satiric work, "Catch-22", is full of maddening contradiction. The characters are in a state of war, yet their actions and reactions are not what you'd expect them to be. He uses black humor and satiric catalogues to show us the insanity of war as well as the nonsense of modern day capitalism. Through the many different ways the characters act and conduct themselves, they illustrate the seven deadly sins. In this essay, we will …

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…the sanctity of [his] contract with Germany" (266), in order to justify the fact that he didn't prevent the soldier's death. For him, it is all about the money. In conclusion, we can see how many characters of Heller's satiric work portray four of the seven deadly sins. Furthermore, we also see how capitalism is a target and how Heller uses many techniques in order to illustrate various ideas (e.g. lampoon, exaggeration, verbal irony, etc.)