"Forrest Gump": Themes, Techniques and Meanings

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump is the portrayal of a man that has been alienated from society, not because he is unintelligent or dimwitted, but rather because he is not restricted by the conventional ideals which are embedded within his culture; thus, challenging the conformities and principals that most people are accustomed to. The contrast that Robert Zemeckis, director of the film, is attempting …

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…Dan and Jenny did. Robert Zemeckis is well known for his concoctions of pop culture references, period nostalgia, comedy, and romance that captured the hearts of the film going public. He, in ways that not many others can do, is able to convey his ideas about life in a humorous manner that lets the audience accept it. That is why the movie was so successful and why it was the recipient of such high awards.