Forgiving My Father

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Often, forgiving someone can be a hard task. It can even be a crime for those who wish never to forgive. When faced with an opportunity to forgive, do we readily jump at the chance, or do we hold back and weigh the decision on a scale that may be unbalanced. Forgiveness must come from the heart, and not the mouth. But once forgiven, how do we reconcile any remaining emotions? Are we allowed to …

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…scale in her decision of forgiveness. Even when completely forgiven, or paid off, there may be a time when one must go through this process again. In the fourth edition of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the third meaning of the word, "forgive" is, "To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example.)" Matthew 6:12, as stated in the title, speaks of this analogy. Just like paying bills, forgiveness is an ongoing process.