Forensic Psychology

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Forensic Psychologists can play a number of key roles in a criminal investigation. Immediately following a crime a forensic psychologist may be asked to act as a criminal profiler. It has over the years become the love child of numerous television programs, movies, and crime novels. Criminal profiling involves the psychologist using his understanding of human behavior, motivation, and pathology so that he/she can create a psychological profile of the offender. The profiles can …

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…a severe mental disease made the person unable to appreciate the wrongfulness of their act. Work Cited`pals/forensics/foren.htm Cooke, Gerald The Role of Forensic Psychologist, Springfield, Ill., 1980 Lipsitt, Paul D., New Directions in Psycho legal Research, New York, 1980. Pressley, Michael Journal of Educational Psychology Vol. 93 Number 3, Washington D.C., September 2001.