Foreign/Domestic Policy

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
America's "New Economy" "As the 1900's gave way to the new millennium, it became increasingly clear that a new era in American (and world) history had begun. The old era had been dominated by the Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. The new era was defined by the rise of a new global economy...the ways in which the world's peoples lived, worked, and governed themselves. Global communication, trade, and …

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…a new one, allowing us to look at what is needed to be done both in domestic and foreign policy for this world and our society to go on. "...the 1990's embodied a summing-up of what had occurred in the preceding decades, as if the country were searching to find some way through the maelstrom of conflicting currents to a final sense of direction that might represent a new consensus on how to proceed," (Chafe 498).