Foreign Affairs

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Future Involvement in Foreign Affairs Since the United States is one of the last remaining super powers of the world, we have the obligation to maintain and support good relations with the smaller and weaker nations throughout the world. We should take full advantage of this authority in several different ways. First the U.S. must focus on investing and trading with those nations who have yet to become economic powers; second, we must implement …

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…American companies to invest in overseas markets, not just in countries such as Germany, and Japan, but too rising nations such as Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Hong Kong, Australia, and Hungary. It informs as to the natural resources that each country offers, and the economic opportunities available for the U.S. and the desired nation. This source was used primarily for its opinion of investing in the countries of Brazil and Chile by the U.S.