Fordism and post fordism

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In the early 1920s, when Henry Ford's assembly line had dramatically increased the amount output, the economy and labour system are no longer the same as before. Fordism, which is associated with mass production and mass consumption (Cooke, 1989), has influenced many countries. However, as some sociologists have argued, with the increase of product and consumer differentiation, post-Fordism, with a smaller scale of production as well as consumption is taking place. Yet some other sociologists do …

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…be the emergence of post-Fordism and the success of post-Fordism in times of decline in the economic activity. References: Grint, K. The Sociology of Work--an Introduction, 2003, Polity Press. Haralambos and Holborn. Sociology: Themes and O'Donnell, M. A New Introduction to Sociology, 1992, Nelson Thrones. Shiomi, H. and Wada, K. Fordism Transformed, 1995, Oxford University Press. Taylor, P. et al Sociology in Focus, 1996, Causeway Press. Tolliday, S. and Zeitlin, J. The Automobile Industry and Its Workers, 1986, Polity Press.