Forced to Fight: the United State's Envolvement in Vietnam, and the Anti-war Movement

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Introduction The Vietnam anti-war movement was a very important part of American history. It reshaped the way Americans thought about the government, and was revolutionary in the way the people of the country voiced their opinions and used their right to free speech. The anti-war movement set a foundation for the citizens of the United States to be active in politics and blazed the trails for protesters in later years. It began a new type …

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…protests. Young people became critical of the government. Others in the country learned to be skeptical of official reports and policies. It was a time of changing attitudes toward war and government. Previous wars had been fought with a good versus a bad side and seemingly clear, correct responses to a threat. The Vietnam War was caught up in problems of policies and goals. It forced a reluctant U.S. to really look at itself.