For what reasons did antagonism occur between the USA and Cuba between 1959-1961?

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Before the Cuban revolution of 1959, Cuba was largely influenced by the United States. (In fact most of the country's industry was either owned or controlled by the US). This was due to Cuba's lack of resources (sugar being 80% of their export). In January of 1959 a revolution led by Castro, and strongly supported by the Argentinean Che Guevara over through the existing government regime (lead by Fulgencio Batista). This created a series of tensions between the …

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…after tensions were greatly reduced. Tension between the US and Cuba, started after Castro's over throw of the government. However was exacerbated further by the measures taken by both countries to shake up the other. I.E. "The Bay Of Pigs", operation Mongoose, the USSR and Cuba's connection over that period of time etc. However tension reached its climax during the Cuban missile crisis, and eventually tension between the US and Cuba was much smaller.