For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Ernest Hemmingway uses his characters to invoke a variety of thoughts and ideas in the readers mind. Each character's action defines their individual personalities and belief systems. The main focus of For Whom the Bell Tolls center upon the life of Robert Jordan, a military explosives specialist, whose sole purpose in the Spanish Revolution is the demolition of strategic bridges, trains, and various other targets. His interactions with various characters help to define his personality …

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…who served during the Desert Storm conflicts. Their willingness to fight against the tyranny of oppression in another country, illustrates both their courage and heroic stature. These soldiers had to face the reality that every day they could be killed by a SCUD missile or hostile forces. Like Robert Jordan they succeeded in their efforts but, with great personal loss. Many of the soldiers must live the rest of their lives with Gulf War Syndrome.