Food & Beverage Division Organization Chart

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Food & Beverage Division Organization Chart It also includes some small details for some of the section. Such as: Waiters and waitresses section also include the hostess, backland person, food runner and so on. The main functions of each individual position are: F & B Director: The food and beverage director is the cohesive force that keeps all departments together. The chief responsibility of him is to operate food and beverage department that …

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…training in Shang Palace restaurant, I felt and saw their good business is mainly according to the strengths of the restaurant. But from the knowledge of hotel industry, which I had learnt from college, I also found that Shang Palace still has some limitations should be improve. In Chapter 3 and 4, I write down the strengths and some of the limitations of Shang Palace restaurant and in Chapter 5, I write some suggestions to improve the restaurant.