Food Factor

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Across the board, frequent dining out is one of the leading contributors to extra pounds. Restaurant food, whether it's from McDonald's or Maxim's, is significantly higher in fat and calories than typical meals prepared at home. Since the mid-1980s, the average American has spent almost 40 percent of his or her food dollars on meals consumed away from home. And in general, Americans today are taking in 150 more calories daily than they were 20 years ago, …

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…foods are also the most aggressively advertised. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, companies spent $765 million advertising candy and gum, $728 million on beer, and $549 million on carbonated soft drinks in 1997. Only $105 million is spent annually promoting fruits and vegetables. Finally, experts say, the fact that nutritious foods can sometimes cost more than sugary snack foods (think vending machine candy bars vs. apple slices) gives young people an added economic incentive to eat poorly.