Fly Away Peter Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Fly Away Peter Through out the book "Fly Away Peter", Jim Saddler has grown from innocent to mature and even to death. This seems like a cycle of nature. People born and people die. In this novel, I think the novel is trying to convey the idea of regeneration than how Jim changed throughout the story. Regeneration is an important theme of Malouf's Fly Away Peter. According to the novel everything regenerates, and not only …

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…realises that there is other people in the world that will have the image of Jim. Regeneration is an important theme of the novel, all things in life regenerates, from the birds to our minds, from the earths to the oceans, it occurs at every level of the world. With regeneration, it also brings us new meanings of life and increases our knowledge and awareness of our surroundings; therefore regeneration is essential to our life.