Flowers for Algernon 4

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON SUPPLEMENTARY BOOK REVIEW The book, "Flowers for Algernon", was an exciting science fiction novel written by Daniel Keyes. The main characters of the story are the central character, Charlie, who is a mentally retarded individual involved in a remarkable experiment which increased his I.Q., Alice, a teacher at the special education faculty at Beekman College who taught Charlie how to read and write, the professors who performed the experiment on Charlie, …

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…If anyone were to ask me if they should read Flowers For Algernon, I would regard it as an excellent book to read because it makes the reader think of how a mentally retarded person feels, and mabye will show us a new respect for them. This book has made me realize just how much more determination a mentally retarded person could possibly have, and makes me realize just how lucky normal people really are.