Florence Nightingale: Her life and dedication

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, May of 1820 and was named after this city. She was home schooled by her father, a highly educated man. Both Florence's parents were wealthy and loved to travel. <Tab/>Although Florence's family wanted her to marry, she knew from an early age that this was not for her. She had many callings from God, her first being when she was 17. In 1843, a man who …

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…of animal companionship as a means to improve human health. Florence has been reported to carry a small owl with her that she named "Athena." She carried the owl for years during the Crimean War. She also kept a pet tortoise in her pocket that she named "Jimmy" and took around with her when she traveled. This is weird because most people leave their pets at home, however Florence kept it with her for luck.