Flight of the Intruder Book Review

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The novel, Flight of the Intruder, written by Stephen Coonts, is both realistic and historical fiction. This is the riveting novel of America's powerful, high-tech, A-6 Intruder attack planes, and the men who flew them in Vietnam during the war. The main character of this book, Lieutenant Jake "Cool Hand" Grafton, finally decides to do things his way on the riskiest mission of them all. Lieutenant Jake Grafton is a member of an A-6 squadron …

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…War itself, was occurring at that time. The novel, Flight of the Intruder, written by Stephen Coonts was a well written, interesting, and thrilling book. The plot is cleverly woven into actual historical events to make it seem like a non-fiction book. The suthor drives the story forward very well. There is a lot of realism and depth to the story. Once you start the book, it is very hard to put down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**