Flag desecration

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
To desecrate or not to desecrate the flag? <Tab/>In the beginning of a developing country, America, our founding fathers created a symbolic symbol of our great and powerful nation, and in this symbol they put all their nations pride and devotion into a flag. From city to city, and house to house, you can observe the patriotism and the love for their country on their front porches by the hanging …

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…flag, a perennial symbol of patriotism, into an untouchable holy object. This is fascism. Ultimately a flag is a simple piece of cloth with many colors and designs imprinted on it. Many Americans have clearly invested this fabric with highly emotionally charged values. Although, flag burning is hardly likely to threaten the flag's symbolic value, forbidding flag burning will surely diminish the flag's principles and make us just the same as China, Afghanistan, and Iraq.