Five paragraph summary for a book called "Jim Davis: a high seas adventure"

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Jim Davis was born in the year 1800, in the town of Newham in Gloucestershire. His mother died when he was five years old, and his father died 4 years later when Jim was 9 years old. When his father, died Jim's uncle came and took him to Devonshire to live with him. Jim lived with his aunt and uncle above the trout stream where Jim spent his summer holidays. When Jim was twelve years old, his neighbor, …

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…got attacked and ran away. Jim finds an inn where the innkeeper helps him get back his health. Jim sent a letter to Ms. Cottier telling her where he is. While staying at the inn, the inn gets raided by the preventative officers but Jim escapes. He starts walking home but got kidnapped by a bunch of gypsies. Marah found Jim, and rescues him. The next day Ms. Cottier finds Jim and they go home.