Five Myths about Immigration - a summary of david cole's view.

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Author David Cole explains in "Five Myths about Immigration" that people are misinformed about immigrants in America and blame them for all the problems in the American society. Cole comments that the "Native Americans", which have nothing to do with what we call Native Americans today, were labeled as "Know-Nothings" because they simply did not know anything about immigrants and prejudged immigrants who came into the country. The author quotes one "Know-Nothing" for saying that "…

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…United States "-that is, none." Cole explains in an example that a non-citizen can be deported for expressing themselves the same way as a citizen is allowed to. In conclusion, Cole acknowledges a quote that he was taught: "we will be judged by how we treat others." By this standard, Cole goes on to explain that if we keep treating immigrants the way that we do right now, "we are not in very good shape."