Five Ideas that shaped the World: Nationalism, Industrialism, Colonialism, Imperialism and communism

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Nationalism is a political philosophy holding that the welfare of the nation-state is paramount, and attitude often strengthened when people share a common history, religion, language, or ethnic background. The term also refers to a group state of mind in which patriotism, or loyalty to one's country, is regarded as an individual's principal duty. In the 18th century, nationalism began to take form by scholars & poets who sought to find in ancient legends and …

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…social Darwinists believed that humanity might be evolving from the stage of fighting wars. In the early 19th century, large numbers of world conferences met to discuss international cooperation. Many meetings discussed topics like; telegraph lines joining over 20 different nations, talks about handling of mail around the world, and international copyright laws. In addition to the attempts at international cooperation, the organized world peace movement gained a foothold and increased influence during the 19th century.