Fitness in America, an opinionated paper

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Today in America over one third of the people are unfit. All my life I have seen fit people and unfit people and it made me sad to see them. To see the unfit people made me sad because I knew how easy it was to be fit. Many people think that today you must go to a big fancy gym or have a personal trainer to get into shape and stay fit. Many people …

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…and they will do the same things we do, so if we educate ourselves and practice a healthy lifestyle that we can pass on to our children, it will start a chain reaction of fitness to a whole generation to come. Fitness leads to looking better, feeling better, emotional stability, being more confident and above all living longer. Treat your body right and it will take you to places you never thought you could go.