"Fith Business" by Robertson Davies.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
FIFTH BUSINESS BY: ROBERTSON DAVIES The first important symbol I found was the snowball because it set the novel for upcoming events. The snowball is symbolic of Boy?s character. Boy threw a snowball at Dunny but missed and hit Mrs. Dempster because he was fighting over a toboggan. Boy throughout the novel has no interest in casualties that he causes. This snowball represented the forcefulness of Boy because he always treats people how he …

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…finally led to him not being able to advance. He had forgotten the incident with the snowball in Dempford. From this we can conclude that he wasn?t able to change his role in life because he couldn?t remember the past so how could he better himself and surpass the role of Fifth Business. Once Dunny had refreshed his memory and Boy had time to think about it he felt guilty and killed himself.