Fishy: a tale of my most interesting (yes interesting) pet fish

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
She had always kept fish, neither a dedicated dog nor cat person, she'd decided fish were best. For years they would come and go, but there were a couple of stables, she had named them Mickey and Minnie, she hated their names by the time Minnie finally became sick and died. Mickey soon followed, having tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the tank various times, he finally succeeded two months later. She lost …

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…and warned him to not allow any other fish near him. She owned quite a few pets in the years that followed always naming them after a few days of observation, Sherlock, Maxwell Smart, Poirot, and Tracey all after famous detectives for luck Jack as it turned out was not as smart as the original Ripper had been, he died, having finally met his match, himself, his bowl's new location had been next to mirror.