First-Person Impressions Of "The Battle Of The Somme"

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Essay Database > Literature
"The Battle of The Somme" is known to most historians as the bloodiest battle in history. The following are first-hand accounts from people who were somehow affected by "The Battle of The Somme". (1) After the war, Sir William Robertson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, attempted to explain the strategy at the Battle of the Somme. Remembering the dissatisfaction displayed by ministers at the end of 1915 because the operations had not come up to their …

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…would be to argue that in a prize fight no blow is worth delivering save the one that knocks the opponent out. As to whether it was wise or foolish to give battle on the Somme on the first of July, 1916, there can surely be only one opinion. To have refused to fight then and there would have meant the abandonment of Verdun to its fate and the breakdown of the co-operation with the French.